Can I chose where I can have therapy?

Yes, it is our clients' choice as to where they prefer to get therapy services for their child. At this time we are providing services at daycare, and home. 

Do I need a physician referral to receive therapy services?

A physician referral is required by your health insurance plan for you to be seen by an Occupational and Speech therapist. Private pay patients do not require to have a referral. However, It is recommended to have a referral on file. 

Will my insurance cover my child's Occupational Therapy?

Some insurance companies do a cover or reimburse payment for occupational therapy services. Each client should check with his or her own company and review their policy coverage and restrictions to confirm. It is the client’s responsibility to know and understand their specific policy's coverage and benefits.

Does your facility accept my insurance?

At this time we are only accepting self-pay patients. We do provide a copy of the invoice to claim and get reimbursed by your insurance company directly.  

How do I know if my child needs Occupational and/or Speech services?

Typically physicians or teachers will notice a delay, problematic behaviors, or difficulty tolerating or responding to certain sensory information (touch, sound, movement, etc.). They can recommend that your child be evaluated. Parents may also notice a delay in developmental skills and should discuss their concerns with their child's doctor and teacher, or contact an occupational therapist for an evaluation. Parents may also notice behavior problems arising from school-aged children because the children are frustrated, unable to tolerate or participate in familiar routines, have usual outbursts of emotions and behavior but aren't sure of how to express their problems to adults. If you are concerned about your child's development of motor skills, self-care skills, or ability to handle a variety of sensory input, please contact us to schedule an appointment. 

How often will my child have to be seen for therapy?

Each case is different, but for the most part, clients are seen twice a week for 45 - 60 minute sessions. The frequency and duration of therapy services is determined with parent input based on the results of the Evaluation.

What should I expect at our first visit?

Our therapist will meet with the child and parent for the evaluation. The parents will be asked some medical history, developmental, and social questions so the therapist can get to know the child. The child will then be observed during play so the therapist can assess and evaluate the child's strengths and limitations. The therapist will then discuss her findings with the family and discuss some achievable goals for the child to help meet the child and the family's needs. 

My child is only two years old but is over/under-responsive to touch, sounds, new foods, movement activities, and daily bathing and grooming activities. Should I wait for him to 'grow out of it'?

No, please contact us for an appointment to evaluate your child's sensory processing skills immediately. Typically, if children are showing a delay in motor skills or self-care skills at this young of an age, treatment is quick, as early intervention works very fast and effectively. It is always better to be safe than sorry! Your child may only have mild sensory processing difficulties but if left untreated, could develop into academic, social, communication, and behavioral difficulties down the road.

How will I know if my child has a Sensory Processing Disorder or any other Delays?

Please see our Resources that may indicate a chart to find out if your child is performing at age level. 

What roles do the parents need to play in their child's therapy?

Parents (and siblings) are vital to a child's therapy. The therapist will include the parents in everything about their child's therapy-from the evaluation information, goal setting, how the child is doing in daily sessions, and what the family can work on at home with the child. Working with your child at home is going to be invaluable in their therapy. Only when working as a team (the child-parents-therapist) are the optimal outcomes achieved!